Friday, December 2, 2011

Nike Worldwide Elvis Ruvalcaba

View Nike Worldwide in a larger map


  1. I really like how you outlined the countries nike expanded to, instead of putting a marker. Also, the symbols you used made the map more clear and easy to understand.
    - Summer Raynor

  2. I like that you showed how big Nike is through your map. You didn't just focus on North America but the world and the marks on indicating where the factories are made it unique.
    -Ruta Ghebremichael

  3. You did a good job of explaining the amount of factories are in each location. The lines you incorporated also easily showed the connection from the different headquarters to the various factories. -Navdeep Gill

  4. I really like the use of the different pictures for different parts of your map, as well as the outlining of the areas with green.
    Erin Smith

  5. This map is effective in many ways - it is clear in terms of displaying nike's outsourcing process to different regions of the world. The different indicators you have used is visually great.
    -Will Sirikupt

  6. I love the arrangement of your symbols that show different production sites in different places. Good job! would love to hear a little bit more detail though on little things that set them apart! :)
    Palca Shibale

  7. I like how the map has so many connections to different points on the globe. It really shows how widespread Nike's influence is. Also, it is easy to read. - Jeff Koss
